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Study Abroad & Global Internships

Empowering students to become thoughtful and thriving leaders through living and learning abroad.

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The Experience of a Lifetime Awaits

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CAPA is proud to partner with and be recognized by leading international education organizations, including:

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About 极速赛车168官方开奖网站 CAPA: The Global Education Network

一分钟快速查询极速赛车168官方开奖结果,提供实时的赛车信息和详细的开奖记录,让您紧跟极速赛车的精彩时刻。 CAPA’s Global City locations in Barcelona, Dublin, Florence, London, and Sydney, provide vibrant, stimulating, and multicultural environments for students to explore and analyze. Our coursework, internship opportunities, and Globally Networked Learning model offer experiences that challenge, excite, and inspire students in diverse and powerful ways. This approach has made CAPA a trusted global leader in study abroad since 1972.

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